In mid september, our students had the opportunity to head up to Camp Cobeac for the week!

Grades 7-12th got to experience camp alongside their teachers and classmates. Each morning was started off with personal development through devotions. The students were able to take some time to reflect on their personal lives with Christ. Then, they were led in morning chapel by Pastor Abberger. Following that, the students were able to fellowship with their peers and teachers through fun competitions, team building activities, games, and tournaments. Some of these activities included rock climbing, ziplining, volleyball, basketball, and nine square. This is just a fraction of the activities offered during free time.

Next, going along with one of our core values of servitude, students had the opportunity to serve each other throughout the week by serving food to their classmates. Each class rotated through each mealtime, dishing out food, as well as staying to help clean up after. Later in the evenings, chapels were led again by Pastor Abberger. This gave the students incredible opportunity to identify areas in their lives that they needed to grow in. We were able to see many hearts transformed and lives turned to Christ through these times.

One of the most touching moments of camp was during the last night, when students were given the chance to share their testimonies around a campfire. The vulnerability and the excitement to share how Christ had changed their lives was an impactful moment that encouraged everyone. Even though camp is full of fun and good memories, the most special part was seeing Jesus move through our students hearts.

We can't wait to see how Christ will continue to work to create world changers through the lives of our students throughout the school year, and the rest of their lives. 


BJU Fall Festival
