Welcome to The Patriot’s Pen — Faith Christian School’s very first student-lead blog!

Before handing things over to my Marketing Interns, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself to each of you, as many of you may not know who I am yet.

I first started attending Faith Baptist Church in March of 2015, and joined as a member in baptism alongside my husband, Alex, shortly thereafter. Alex and I have been married for 13 years now, and our daughter, Emilia, joined us in August of 2019. God knew exactly what we needed when he sent her to us, and she has been busy captivating our hearts ever since! She currently attends Little Leaders Academy, where I started working as Marketing Director and Assistant Daycare Director in February of 2022. It has been a privilege to get see her throughout my workdays and to be able to form incredible bonds with the other staff at LLA.

As of August of this year, I have switched into leading Marketing full-time for FBC, FCS, and LLA. It has been my vision ever since starting to develop a program in which our FCS students are able to fully immerse themselves into what we produce for our social media pages, website, and events. After all, who better to share “a day in the life of a Patriot” than our very own students?!

We encourage you to look out for future blog posts coming up in the next few weeks—either by staying plugged in on our social media pages (@faithpatriots), or by checking back in on our blog page periodically. With all of that being said—allow me to introduce to you our 5 dedicated Yearbook/Marketing Interns who will be leading this blog going forward, as well as sharing daily happenings through social media in the months ahead…



Sofia holds a duel Sophomore/Junior status and plans to pursue Finance and Photography once she completes school here at FCS


Evelyn cox

Evelyn is a senior at FCS and plans to study Elementary Education at Cedarville University next fall


Tannya Espinoza

Tannya is a senior at FCS and plans to attend KCBC/Charis Bible College where she will study Photography



Arvella is a Senior at FCS and plans to study Elementary Education at Spring Arbor University next fall


Paul Thompson

Paul is our only guy among the girls—but holds his own quite well! Paul is a Senior at FCS and plans to study either Business Marketing or Finance next fall. He is still deciding which school he wishes to attend
